Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Re-energise to cope with enthusiasm

At time umi notice umi sons n daughter energy level dropping. Is it burdened with too much work and too little time to do it? Sensing ur becoming lethargic, then umi sons n daughters may b experiencing midcourse droop - an insidious yet common syndrome.

When enthusiasm wanes, the ability to cope with stress decreases and the joy of learning is sometimes lost. Thoreau reminds us that "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm" " Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" says Emerson.

At registration time, energy were high as you envisioned the mountaintop of growth and possibilities inherent in the learning experience to come. Now as near mid-term the storm clouds of academic and personal problems may b obscured the summit of success.

Midcourse letdown strikes umi sons n daughters when u have underestimated the time required to learn the content of ur course. Or when poor time managements skills cause them to delay the completion of major assignments until the deadline approaches and panic sets in.

Disappointment occur when umi sons n daughters fail 2 achieve the level of success u envisioned, Lower than expected test scores, poorly received contribution, rejection by teammates assigned to a group project and the frustration from working with alazy lab partner have taken all the toll. What first perceived as an enjoyable learning adventure may have by midterm become a code 3 struggle for survival.

Reading many articles and passing through this path before umi would like to share of what some survival experts tell people in a bottomless quagmire in the woods to stop struggling - uncoordinated effort only caused victim to skin ever deeper. Only by calm, purposeful and coordinated actions can the victims save themselves by swimming through the muck or sand to the safety of a solid shore.

Well dearesrt all try a refocus strategy. refocus means


each time dearest when reality doesn't measure up to an envisioned ideal, emotional energy is drained, self-esteem is lowered and feelings of being in control diminished. The result is BURN-OUT. Umi want to share this

  1. RECOGNISE - recognise ur achievements thus far. acknowledge the progress u have made, may it be assignment, reports, organising parties or anything. Thankful u have done them.
  2. EMPOWER - Create a list of ur strength, are u a great leader, excellence communicator designer or leader. List ur five greatest personal achievements in the past year. Can u remember how u felt during these moments? reliving these peak experiences can really empower u with greater enthusiasm and sense of purpose.
  3. FOCUS - Concentrate ur attention on the mayerials to be learened in d second half of ur studying and d selection of d most effective studying style possible. Take a few moments to visualise or improved performances that u hope to engage near future. Take a quick look of ur new syllabus. Are u on track? Will there b enough time? No? Then u have a management problem. Use a triage system to gain control of d situation. Triage is a strategy used in medicine under emergency conditions to son patients into treatment categories. The number 1 priority is 2 treat those who will benefit d most and who require d easiest treatment. Then move 2 thos who require more difficult treatment but benefit greatly. Last attend to those who difficult treatment but won't benefit from it. Another words, work 2 achieve d highest benefit with the least of time n effort.
  4. OBJECTIVE - In the intervening weeks since u formulated ur studying targets or objectives, d stresses n strains of studying and daily living may have caused u to veer from ur originalexcellence plan. If u have refocused ur priorities it's important to create targets to guide ur post-midterm efforts. To energis urself apply performance targets. K
  5. COMMIT - After u visualise ur goal n create specific measurable learning targets, commit to achieving them. To reach ur goal u'll need a strong commitment; one that will not waver as u encounter difficulties. Nothing goes completely as planned, though. The number of variables in d learning process are too great to permit total control. A staunch resolve enables u to presevere through tough times, and it builds self-esteem. Please dearest recommit to success in learning. Remind urself of the benefits of making short term sacrifices to obtain long term rewards.
  6. UNBURDEN - U don't have to b perfect; u just have 2 b urself dearest umi son n daughters. Once u accept that u are successful students of medicine, architecture, boi-science n many others before u hold the title doctors, architect or scientist, then u have unburden urself and appreciate knoeledge n it becomes more enjoyables.
  7. SURPRISE - During second half of ur course variety is often desperately neede to keep urself motivated. Well dearest changes of studying environment, groups or time is one of them. Just b eccentric at time n u'll find them motivated coz people around u with open-mouth of What d hell but u just walk passed them with a smile. B orange.

Well dearest umi sons n daughters Umi wants everybody 2 excellence n be Malaysian leaders or examples, why umi share these with u ladies n gentlemen.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Ring Ring or Melody or trrr trrr

When the phone rings,trrr trrr or melody its for money.

At umi's position a phone rings always n always 4 money, either me sons, umi's work site or others. Hmmm n it is very tiring coz d money is not in d bank as promised by d bankers, by d government or by umi le. Headache , pening, pitam all in d mind.
Why ME, Why ME

Me son Putera
Simple answer it's umi's responsibilities. The past weeks till 2day it has been very challenging n exhausting even music cannot soothe umi's worries. Tried 2 blogging nothing too. Then remembered umi's usual 3am routine which have been neglected for 2 weeks, YES YES it helps n ALLAH ur the best. Umi cries sob sob cries n cries n sure enough d strength 2 behold d responsibilities are back n tawakal. Next day wishes no ring ring trrr trrr. Hmmmmm sure ada but they are patience this time n umi is still in d mission 2 find d money. Staff n workers need them badly suppliers wants their payment n me sons wants them for daily food n stuff.

Well umi tried to make the ring ring n trrr trrr 2 others for help ( not free aids coz its+ 10-15% wang kesusahan meminjam) Most of d rich malay businessman wants JV lah, b directors lah n many many lah. So Dearest Sons and Daughters when make ring ring or trrr trrr 2 mummy or daddy at times not just 4 money K coz it helps in giving strength 2 umi knowing that u call just want to tell u care how much u miss us, emak n ayah.

As teenagers ring ring n trr trr makes d heart beat n pound, simply because it's ur sweety pie or hunky man. Ring ring too can caused pain or anger coz its goodbye or date cancelled. How u handle them apa2 pun don't throw d phone ya coz it'll end ur ring ring n trrr trrr n that makes teenagers life boring n lost.

Ring ring too can give u hope remember when u received ur result from UPU all jumps with a smile from ear 2 ears. He he he. Umi pun suspense that time.

BUT where is all that now when umi is at 44 ring ring only means business or money. Umi's fault though coz don't like gossip so ladies friend find umi not interesting not communicating in gossips column. Sigh...... Least have u blog daughters n sons 2 share umi's feelings 2day n prays will do umi's 3 am routine again n again n always coz only n only that give umi d strength to answer all umis' ring ring n trrr trrr 2morro.

Me son Saiful d shy one ego
high in d sky

2 nite sleepless night coz want to do Power Point coz d government, umi's client happy with umis' report n want 2 view them in bosses meeting. Any ring ring or trrr trrr when reading this blog, answer them K coz it might makes ur heart beat or pound. Love U all n miss me son afiq.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Exams Over!!!!

FIFA WORLD CUP HERE I COME!!!!!! To all the supporters of Brazil, remember Brazil rule, Iam going to stay up all night watch it on T.V, with lots of coke(the official drink for fifa 2006) in my hands with my brother Saiful(which is still shy to post a blog about himself). Belive me brazil will win the next World cup which is coming around the corner. Oh! I forgot one more thing. ALL THE KARIPAP I WANT EAT, YUM YUM.

The colours above are the colours of the fifa world cup logo.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Dancing or Body language

Just love these words coz just thinking of it makes umi relax.

Oh yes umi love dancing coz it relaxes my mind n it 2 is an exercise. However it can also interpretes as body language. Why why simply bcoz it interpretes ur feelings, ur body movement movement as accordance 2 d music at times communicates. Oh wow love this music listening now n swaying my shoulder while communicating with u readers. Come on create a musia in ur mind n dance with umi.

Kid kid kid, mirul mirul n of course afiq come dance with umi.

Body language, love this words coz when studying architecture we were thaught 2 study clients' mood n make d presentation as accordance. Supposely d client is 2 serious n business minded( who ingat dia paling pandai) then u start d presentation like professional lah. slowly wait 4 d question they asked then from there onwards just follow their mood n ur design is accepted.

However if ur client jenis got much money through hardwork n not a reader then starts presentation with the flow of environment- using simple words n many many examples of this place that place n ur design will b accepted.

What happen once ur design or reports being accepted with excellence Ape lagi DANCE n DANCE lah.

Love dancing since umi boleh ingat, me sons aful is hip hop, hadi still shy shy n afiq made a surprise at prom nite. Good movement n lastly putra d cutey pie much into umi in movement n aful as mentor, lots of hand movement n head shaking.

Dance...........................age well there's no boundary 2 that if ur escentric, we designer are that.

Then when studying engineering, frust coz d students were so stiff n no wonders they are just like d concrete building or steel bridge. Love architecture mindset but engineering outdoors archivement( Site work)....

Through dancing u can creates good mood....hmhmmmmmm this is 4 above sea level adults.

Dancing too can b done in water n just love it coz at my age dancing in waters cause less pain as there's water too comfort them.. Well dearest all don't just dance thinking of discos but its a communication n expression.

WHY WAIT EXPRESS URSELF NOW< Dance dance n dance. stop now n let u dance expressing ur inner feeling n thought.

Friday, May 19, 2006


MISS U N LOVE U- a phrase long forgotten at umi's age but again missing me sons n loving them. Hmmm u ladies n gentlemen are adventuring this era now n d feeling is really deep. Why simply because u're away from home n have been taking the feeling for granted. Umi really feel d feeling first minute away from me sons. When umi sent afiq 2 college d moment after d long hugging n kissing at pipi felt a big lump in umi's heart. Whenever outstation n saying bye2 to other 3 sons felt pain n guilt in umi's heart. When d stays prolong more than a week umi's mind n concentration 2wards work not 100%. Umi don't mind flying home n fly again 2 works. But what awaits home is always mess n shouts. Sitting alone in living room, umi smiles coz that shouts n mess yang umi miss ie musics of my life. Funny though during teenagers -missing n loving is touching n communicating. Why!!! simply because u me children only spend 3-4 hours 2gether unlike umi 24 hours.

Love !!wow read at mirul's blog n after adventuring this commitment entity- love is actually sacrifise n 2getherness. Sex is just a needs for a healthier body after all mana ada masa nak exsersice. We mummy most of d time tried 2 hide this feeling but again it show in our action ie subconciously talks about d person n making others boring. Umi have 2 b careful coz 2 much will cause me other 3 sons left out n umi always tries 2 share umi's love equally.

Usually umi share d missing love feeling with me 3 sons, we will talk about d trip n funny encounters n better still each others silly habits. We will all laugh n that will deepened d love feeling. Outing n travelling are d best moments n that's why umi works 26 hours to enable umi 2 have that quality time with umi 4 sons n when umi not around they have some silly character of umi 2 share n b smiles of. Umi miss u afiq n my prayers to u is next 2 myself. Love u nak.

Kid, Mirul Nadrah n laily take care n umi is always here n willing 2 share ur adventuring tour in life. B excellence n smile

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Junkies ambushed my House

Today when my mother was working, she a noise on the door, and she thought, oh that must be my dad at the door. Guess who it was. IT WAS A HORRIBLE JUNKIE(looks like a drug edict about a 16 year old guy). was at the living room my mom was scared to the bone. He looked confused and somehow looks like there was nothing on his mind. I wasn't there though. Then my mother asked him kindly to leave BUT!!!! He then asked for money and my mom gave him about 1 Ringgit of spare coins. Then he left like nothing happen. Thank god my mom was alright.

I swear from now on i will never leave the door unlocked.(not until i got my black belt).
So guys never leave the door open. because maybe someone is lurking behind it.

P.S Its a true Story...


Must Have MONEY To Make MONEY. Well that d statement umi received from company secretary. well umi started logging with O money n make some but was hijacked by corrupted pengarh n he dah kena pecat 2 years later. Started my first project with O money n managed 2 buy few building machinaries. Again was cheated by this tamak main contractor RM400,000. 2 years no project n today secured one n started with -RM50,000.

Must have money to make money--hmhmhm d moment got my award letter gi to all financial dept, MARA, SME n BANKS but they want securities-house ke building ke or FD. Umi have none of d above. Pray n was given this light- tawakal n high spirit went 2 suppliers for credits, same answers. went 2 c ALONGs in Kl n Sabah but looking at their face... scary should umi then 4 sons safety appeared in my mind,,, nope what if payment delayed n unable to fulfill d obligation. Me sons safety most important. Pray again ( after midnight) this time full of tears n positive aura. Next day this suppliers called n gave umi credit. Building materials delivered n workers commence work. Positive it is. However after a month workers n staff salaries got to be paid. Wow back 2 all banks n finally through friends contact this bank manager will furnish umi d financial aids. Is it money or goodwill!!! preparing all accounting documents is no engineers nor architects stuff but got 2 do it coz umi's company. after 2 days got it n was given d green light 4 submission.

2morro camna got 2 get fast loan from friends for workers or they will stop work n no progress. Where are d rich malay business man. where are d so call malaysian creating more malay millionaires.. D answer is they are all malay n not muslim. This tn hj wanted 2 help umi giving RM200,000 but profit sharing. this is worst than ALONG. Ambil kesempatan atas kesusahan orang. Well anak2 umi. Remember b a muslim n help each other 2 b millionaires n help others for their better living. Then we will all b millionaires with a good heart.
Afiq - have ur consultant firm in m'sia n global with a good name n services
Mirul- have a line of clinic n 1 hospital.
Kid - have ur own R&D n manufactures m'sians pharmacitucal products
Whoever archive their mission first n have that millions help others too OK.

The answer to that is simple if umi have supports others then banks umi will excell better coz everything will progress smoothly but then umi starts with 0 n ends up with lots of hiccups. Anyway umi has to face it n once got d money from this japanese company( Loan RM300,000 n bayar balik RM345,000 in 3 month. ) better then along. Got 2 sacrifice 45,000 for 350,000. This is it have money to make money.

Well dearest all, umi nak gi mandi penatle presenting n buat akaun. afiq dear thanks 4 d present. HMHMHM do u want me in a dress ke. mana nak buang jeans ni. apapun noooo umi n my jean senang nak kejar u all sons. hehehe. Umi pasang teropong tau. mana eeee mana eeee

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lady Contractor

Well umi is a lady builder n why, i love d challenge on managing d entire construction of a project. I've experience many building new project example airport, jetty school n clinic desa but this new project requires lot of human management coz its rectification works of a government quarters of 378 units. Imagine everybody wants their units to be rectified earliest but who deserve first- apa lagi ikut program le However it' not that easy as every living unit has diffferent furniture n mess. arranging workers n motivating them 2 clean d mess A BIG O WOW.

Got 3 supervisors but guys thinking umi lady they take easy only, however 2day advice them n got the respect coz they realised umi know more n want 2 learn. Being a lady builder a lot of paper work n letter writing cozz umi tak succumb 2 money trading. A Ha good 4 me save money n a little bit extra on inking. Ok right. During site meeting always consultant thought umi know nothing but again they be ok once hearing my reports n progress. Meeting was skip this month coz umi progress aok n ahead of program but umi's voice getting louder coz 2 much self pollution. hehehe can guess ke mirul apa itu.
Lastly umi can say d only set back in being a successful lady builder u can only sleep 3 hours a day with none of ur own time. ALAS Penat but then its worth it coz i love managing projects.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Good Thief

Remember when i wrote about thives, stealing my bro's bike gears and stuff. Well the thief gave it back. Maybe he thought about my recent blog. Or he just lokk in the sky and saw......

Two thives was walking on a sunny day...

Thief 1: Remember yesterday when we rompak that kid punya bike.
Thief 2: yes he must be crying like a baby right now(giggle)
Thief 1: skrew him, who ask him to leave his bike there like a sitting duck.
Thief 2: LOOK, UP IN SKY!!
Thief 1: IS IT A BIRD,
Thief2: A PLANE,
Both thief in a unison: NOOO ITS ALLAH.
Thief 1: Maybe what we did was wrong.
Thief 2: We should give this back tommorow.
Ending With a Sad Tamil song.....

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hi its hadi

Yesterday or a few days before, my big brothers bike kena rompak. By whom, BY THE UNIVESITI STUDENTS. They should be ashmed of calling themselves students of a universiti. Are they too poor to buy a few gears and stuff. DAH LA UNIVERSITI ISLAM LAK TU!!!! TAk tahu malu, memang *@/*: * . Kesian my big bro.

If you are reading this(the thieves) please be afraid of god. OR ME., IF I FIND YOU I'LL RIP YOU TO BITS(I am in GTF TAE KWON DO FEDERATION GREEN BELT) WATCH YOUR BACK. I'LL BE WATCHING..........

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Afternoon everybody, umi busy everyday making up home as clean as possible n importantly next week exam week for my 2 sons. Got 2 sit n listen 2 their studies. Any idea or best way 2 give best performance as mother, teacher, friend n workers in d short 24 hours. Next week got this progress meeting n busy preparing d report. Most important have only RM60 in my pocket with 5 people 2 share. Well i've always use d key words n food for my strength. That is Tawakal. I have work hard n i pray ALMIGHTY ALLAH will bless me n my sons with prosperity n wealth ASAP.
At times i wonder why we have 2 strive so hard, well n d answer 2 that is i want 2 share with others n i have 2 have the means to do so. My old age ie at 55 i want 2 share my love n caring 2 street children. I want them 2 grow n have those love feeling as a mother though u only have d street to stay. We can change our destiny and with hard work n strong will ALLAH will fulfill our request either now or then. However who can keep u sober all the time especially when d other occupants are taking your share of wealth unduly, corruption. How starving me n my sons we will not succumb to this. WHY !!!! the answer is ALLAH forbid so n why question more.
I can only enjoy sleeping alternately 3-4 hours a day coz my daily routine require 26 hours a day n do i feel sad n tired !!!! NO coz i'm still aok n seing my 3 children squabbling and shouting what more to ask a normal happy me n my sons.

We love outing ang travelling n we will share them with u n please share your thought as me n my sons.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Me n my sons

Hi Iam the second son of this blog and i'll be the one who will put all the hi tech gears in this blog. I'll be the one thats going to talk about stuff that y'all teenagers out there like to talk about. Firstly I LOVE CATS, I adore Stephen Hawking and i would like to be a scientist. So iam currently busy studying for a big test around the corner. Hope you all out there enjoy our blog.