Re-energise to cope with enthusiasm
At time umi notice umi sons n daughter energy level dropping. Is it burdened with too much work and too little time to do it? Sensing ur becoming lethargic, then umi sons n daughters may b experiencing midcourse droop - an insidious yet common syndrome.
When enthusiasm wanes, the ability to cope with stress decreases and the joy of learning is sometimes lost. Thoreau reminds us that "None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm" " Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" says Emerson.
At registration time, energy were high as you envisioned the mountaintop of growth and possibilities inherent in the learning experience to come. Now as near mid-term the storm clouds of academic and personal problems may b obscured the summit of success.
Midcourse letdown strikes umi sons n daughters when u have underestimated the time required to learn the content of ur course. Or when poor time managements skills cause them to delay the completion of major assignments until the deadline approaches and panic sets in.
Disappointment occur when umi sons n daughters fail 2 achieve the level of success u envisioned, Lower than expected test scores, poorly received contribution, rejection by teammates assigned to a group project and the frustration from working with alazy lab partner have taken all the toll. What first perceived as an enjoyable learning adventure may have by midterm become a code 3 struggle for survival.
Reading many articles and passing through this path before umi would like to share of what some survival experts tell people in a bottomless quagmire in the woods to stop struggling - uncoordinated effort only caused victim to skin ever deeper. Only by calm, purposeful and coordinated actions can the victims save themselves by swimming through the muck or sand to the safety of a solid shore.
Well dearesrt all try a refocus strategy. refocus means
each time dearest when reality doesn't measure up to an envisioned ideal, emotional energy is drained, self-esteem is lowered and feelings of being in control diminished. The result is BURN-OUT. Umi want to share this
- RECOGNISE - recognise ur achievements thus far. acknowledge the progress u have made, may it be assignment, reports, organising parties or anything. Thankful u have done them.
- EMPOWER - Create a list of ur strength, are u a great leader, excellence communicator designer or leader. List ur five greatest personal achievements in the past year. Can u remember how u felt during these moments? reliving these peak experiences can really empower u with greater enthusiasm and sense of purpose.
- FOCUS - Concentrate ur attention on the mayerials to be learened in d second half of ur studying and d selection of d most effective studying style possible. Take a few moments to visualise or improved performances that u hope to engage near future. Take a quick look of ur new syllabus. Are u on track? Will there b enough time? No? Then u have a management problem. Use a triage system to gain control of d situation. Triage is a strategy used in medicine under emergency conditions to son patients into treatment categories. The number 1 priority is 2 treat those who will benefit d most and who require d easiest treatment. Then move 2 thos who require more difficult treatment but benefit greatly. Last attend to those who difficult treatment but won't benefit from it. Another words, work 2 achieve d highest benefit with the least of time n effort.
- OBJECTIVE - In the intervening weeks since u formulated ur studying targets or objectives, d stresses n strains of studying and daily living may have caused u to veer from ur originalexcellence plan. If u have refocused ur priorities it's important to create targets to guide ur post-midterm efforts. To energis urself apply performance targets. K
- COMMIT - After u visualise ur goal n create specific measurable learning targets, commit to achieving them. To reach ur goal u'll need a strong commitment; one that will not waver as u encounter difficulties. Nothing goes completely as planned, though. The number of variables in d learning process are too great to permit total control. A staunch resolve enables u to presevere through tough times, and it builds self-esteem. Please dearest recommit to success in learning. Remind urself of the benefits of making short term sacrifices to obtain long term rewards.
- UNBURDEN - U don't have to b perfect; u just have 2 b urself dearest umi son n daughters. Once u accept that u are successful students of medicine, architecture, boi-science n many others before u hold the title doctors, architect or scientist, then u have unburden urself and appreciate knoeledge n it becomes more enjoyables.
- SURPRISE - During second half of ur course variety is often desperately neede to keep urself motivated. Well dearest changes of studying environment, groups or time is one of them. Just b eccentric at time n u'll find them motivated coz people around u with open-mouth of What d hell but u just walk passed them with a smile. B orange.
Well dearest umi sons n daughters Umi wants everybody 2 excellence n be Malaysian leaders or examples, why umi share these with u ladies n gentlemen.