Month of June is Exams month to most college students all over the world. However umi sons hadi n saiful had theirs in May.
During this month umi's heart pound as fast as umi's son but have to b calm as the frequency flows n wants a positive attitude for both umi sons.
Exams to umi are going on stage being awarded during those days, now umi knows its importance as a step to a better life style. Excellence today is at finger tips, why!!! because there are these motivation camp, tuitions and personal tutor, books to excellence and even counselor to assist students with their study programme. However not many excell. Hmmmm Hmmmm Why!!!
Umi's observation is simply there are also an increase of entertainment n games needing full concentration. Umi's time most of the challenges side kick were physical games ie konda kandi, marbles, police n thieve, tenteng n many others. Once stuck or curfew at home umi's mind are fresh n could absorbed subjects as easily. Todays entertainment are play stations, computers game n many others which requires mind concentration n repeatition. Once kena warning by mums or dad the mind are too tired n only 30-40% or at times none at all that could absorbed the school syllibus.
Umi usually allows umi sons with their style of studying till second semester, once results secured and not to their expectation umi will give umi sons a studying scedules and no excuses excepted. Umi is very stern in this department because it's for their future life style.
What happens to umi son in college, well dearest all, he is on his own, only can listen n advice from far.
Once exams over holidays will follow n umi son hadi n saiful are into football every evening with neighbouring kids. What happens to college student after exams, holidays too . Umi's advice at this time travels or join any social NGO clubs, understand n feel the responsibilities of helping others. Not only that ur actually building up net-working and it will help umi son n daughter once u've obtain ur scroll.
Maaannny malay college students lepak2 or sleep n eat during holidays, it's a waste of precious time n u are actually lowering ur self esteem. Umi n college gang we used the opportunity travelling( student style le- cheap n convienience) This way umi learnt patience-got to tolerate friends that mandi n siap very d slow one, respect coz meeting friends' parents or uncles n aunties ( if free lodging le) Umi have this scrap book sort of diary n it stimulates umi's critical thinking n broaden umi's perspective with regards to human relationship ( meeting n mingling with small children sampai old people, gramma n grampa).
All this experience has enable umi to understand people better coz we come from different upbringing n surrounded by many characters. This umi dearest son n daughters are very important in life. We will stay humble knowing there are many others who deserve better than us but was not given the opportunities.
Exams n Holidays are actually a step to understand stress n relax. We need to balance them n this will enables us to smile always n we'll be surrounded with many positive n kind hearted people.
Do well in Exams K n Enjoy ur holidays, umi sons n daughters.